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CA English Horn staples - Goldplate
CA English Horn staples - Nickel
CA English Horn staples - Silverplate
CA Oboe Staple - Nickel
Cabart 74 oboe Serial # 00037 (2000)
Ceramic Sharpening Sticks (aka mini-sharps)
Chiarugi E Staple - Silver with o-rings Bore #2
Chiarugi Oboe E Staples - Bronze with O-Rings, bore size #2
Chiarugi Oboe E Staples - Gold with O-Rings, bore #2
Chiarugi Oboe S Staples - Bronze with O-Rings, bore #2
Chiarugi Oboe S Staples - Gold with O-Rings, bore #2
Chiarugi oboe staples 47mm brass, bore #3
Chiarugi oboe staples 47mm Nickel silver, bore #3
Chiarugi S - bore #2 Silver with O-rings 47mm
Chudnow - A English Horn Silver
Chudnow - A English Horn Staple, Bronze
Chudnow - A English Horn Staple, Gold
Chudnow A English Horn staple - Nickel (with bronze collar)
Chudnow A2 English Horn Nickel